Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cartoon Portrait

This project was quite the challenge.  The ideas that I had come up with from the start could not be accommodated with the proper background images.  So it became difficult to shuffle through other ideas that seemed just as good.  What I ended up with is a vertigo inducing photograph as my background layer, then a carefully positioned photo of me standing on a steel beam that hangs over a skyscraper.  The cartoon that I chose to use is Jerry from Tom and Jerry.  I am holding Jerry out over the edge of the building with my fingers.  Jerry's frightened expression definitely adds to the portrait.  Overall I would say this isn't my best work but it is decent.  The interaction isn't to great, but that's mostly because there isn't much you can do with a mouse.  However the photograph of me was carfully thought out.  I had a buddy stand 15 ft away and I also had him kneel so I could create the correct angle/position in the background.  It turned out great. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pancake Mouth

Pancake Mouth
For this tutorial, we were instructed to combine an image of a fish mouth and pancakes.  The goal was to make the pancakes look as if they had a mouth.  I used several different tools to get this final image.  The bloating tool was the main tool that was used during this assignment.

Frog Tongue

In Computer Art we were instructed to follow along with a tutorial that allowed us to create a frog tongue.  We used photoshop tools to manipulate the two images so that the frogs figure acquires the texture of a tongue. The key thing to remember while working on this was to remember what layer you are working on, because if you aren't then it might be difficult to complete.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Newimal - Gryphon

This is my attempt at drawing a skeleton of a gryphon. The task for the class was to take a newimal image and draw the skeletal structure for one's newimal. This being my first drawing in the class, its fairly decent.  It was challenging because you had to somehow imagine the combined skeletal structure of the two distinct animals.